Browse our most commonly asked questions, find out what countries require ISPM-15 certification, or visit the website for American Lumber Standard Committee. Still have questions? We’d love to help! Contact one of our knowledgeable, friendly staff today to get the answers to your questions!

My wood doesn’t have HT stamps on it, but my supplier gave me a document that says it was heat-treated. Is that OK?

No, each full-sized piece used in the program must have an HT or KDHT mark issued by an agency accredited or recognized by the American Lumber Standard Committee (ALSC) on it, regardless of documentation

I bought pressure-treated wood. Is it acceptable in the export program?

The program doesn’t recognize pressure-treated wood, but it can be used IF it has HT marks from the producer of the lumber, like any other acceptable wood.

I used HT-marked wood for building my package and marked it with my export stamp, but none of the original HT marks show on the package. Is that OK?

Yes, the original HT marks do not have to show on the package, provided the full-length pieces did have the marks and the IPPC mark is clearly marked on two opposite sides of the package.

What are the bark requirements for the ISPM-15 Program?

Irrespective of the type of treatment applied (heat-treatment or fumigation), wood packaging material must be made of debarked wood. Bark found on WPM must be less than 3cm in width (regardless of length). If the bark is greater than 3cm in width, the total surface area must be less than 50 square cm (about the size of a credit card).

If you have additional questions or concerns, call Lee Global at 866–327-1899 or email us for prompt, knowledgeable answers.